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PlanIt Student- the App that Organizes your Day!

Updated: Jul 19, 2020

I recently realized that I have not yet introduced you to my quarantine-born app, a project that I had dreamed of creating since my freshman year of high school... PlanIt Student!

PlanIt Student is a time management smartphone application through which you can create descriptive tasks and view them in chronological order. At the same time, the app analyzes your time usage.

An ambitious high-schooler looking to make the most of her time, I found that time management was not one of my strengths. Looking around me, I could say the same for most of my peers. Balancing school, homework, sports, extra-curriculars, and sleep?..., it was tough.

But all we needed was something to hold us accountable for the time it should take to complete our tasks… and something to help us realize when we’re spending more.

Through my own journey, I’ve found that organizational tools such as planners and timers are very beneficial in helping me manage my time. So, to share my advice with fellow high-schoolers, I decided to make a smartphone application that enables you to track your tasks and progress wherever you go!

Planit Student doesn’t just organize your day… it creates good habits and teaches time accountability… so that one day, you won’t need the app any longer. That’s the goal!

Check out my app website for more info or download it using the button below!

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