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My name is Ashna Khetan, and I'm currently a freshman at Stanford University, studying Symbolic Systems and Computer Science! 


I don't exactly know what first got me into AI, but I do remember my nonstop addiction to conversing with Siri on my dad's iPhone as an 8-year-old. She wasn't the best companion at the time (obviously), but for some reason, I was intent on finding her best responses to share with my friends.


This blog is going to be very AI-centered, so I'll just tell you more about myself here: I love to swim (and play just about any sport-- no promises that I will be good, though). Outside of coding and AI, I like to explore other science concepts such as Geology, Meteorology, Astronomy, and ... uh, yeah, just all science topics. Another thing you must know about me is that I LOVE movies. All movies. Movies that make me cry, cringe, laugh, or clench my teeth. If I wasn't so intent on changing the world with Artificial Intelligence, I would probably be somewhere making movies... sci-fi movies... about AI... anyway... The last thing I want you to know about me is that I love my family! I'm a huge family person, and therefore if you hear me mention them, that's why. I hope you enjoy my blog!

Ashna Khetan
About: About
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